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The Last Dig Page 7

  “Thank you for going with me.” He bent over and kissed her passionately again, and then left.

  * * * *

  He sat in his rental SUV at the other end of the parking lot at the Jordan Motel. Well, that was twice the sheriff had taken her out. What was going on? He had followed them all the way to Cohagen and then waited in the back corner of the restaurant parking lot until they left. This time he watched the sheriff go into her room with her, but he didn’t stay very long.

  He could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of having Caroline arrested for the murder of Seprino and wondered what her relationship with the sheriff was. He wondered why it was taking so long for her to be arrested. She deserved every bit of punishment meted out to her, and soon she will meet her just reward.

  * * * *

  Over the next week Caroline’s team continued to dig and expose the bones buried beneath the sand and dirt. The bones were showing to be T-rex. Based on the measurements, the team thought they were dealing with an adolescent T-rex as the bones were not as big as a fully grown one.

  “Caroline, what is this stuff?” Jody asked as she picked up what looked like large round stones, studying them.

  “Dinosaur poop,” Caroline said with a wry smile.

  “Eeww!” Jody put the ‘stones’ back on the ground.

  Caroline chuckled. “By now they’re fossilized, and they’re excellent for understanding and analyzing what they ate. You would get a lot of information for your paper on the Cretaceous period.”

  “That’s fine. I didn’t expect I’d pick up poop with my hands,” Jody mumbled.

  “That’s why we wear gloves,” Caroline said dryly.

  * * * *

  After excavating one early evening, Caroline told the group, “Tomorrow is July fourth, so you have the day off to rest and do whatever you want. We’ve worked hard out here every day for about three weeks solid. And I don’t know about you, but I think I need a day of rest.”

  When they got back to the motel, Caroline offered to take everyone to the River Basin bar to eat and have a drink or two. Everyone went to their rooms to get cleaned up while she logged onto her computer, sent her daily report of findings to the office, and checked her email. Then she called the office to access her voice mail.

  Caroline changed her clothes and was getting ready to leave when her cellphone rang. She picked it up and answered. “Hello.”

  “Hello. Caroline?”


  “This is Penny, Rand’s sister. How are you?”

  “I’m doing very well thank you.”

  “Great. I have a big favor to ask you, and I don’t know if you can do it or not, but if you can, it would be a big help. I’m doing the food trailer tomorrow at the park downtown, and my mom just called saying she sprained her ankle and can’t walk. Debbie is out of town, and none of the guys can help. I was wondering if there would be a chance that you might be able and willing to help me out.”

  Caroline had helped with the food trailer during her high school summers along with Rand and his mother. “Rand can’t do it?” Caroline asked.

  “No, he has to work.”

  Caroline hesitated for a moment. She didn’t really want to work the food trailer and she had a ton of other work she needed to get done, however, she decided she could spend the day helping out a friend. “Well, I guess I can help you out. What time do you need me to be there?”

  “Oh Caroline, you’re a life saver. We open up the food court at eleven, so if you could be there about ten to help set up, that would be great.”

  “Okay, no problem, I’ll see you at ten tomorrow.”

  “Thank you so very much.”

  “You’re welcome, Penny.” Carolina hung up, thinking, well, so much for having the day off.

  Chapter 10

  Across town, Rand reviewed the ballistic test. It showed that the bullet came from a 38 Special with a silencer. The pick and fossils had Caroline’s fingerprints on them. Her business card had only her fingerprints and the fingerprints of the victim. She’d lied to him about her contact with the victim, or so it seemed.

  The CSI also found hair that looked like Caroline’s, but he needed a sample from Caroline to compare with it. The CSI told Rand that the hair was long and curly, almost like the curls were squared rather than round. That was something that he did know about Caroline’s hair.

  The blood found in the apartment was the victim’s blood. Matt Dyson had called to report that the victim’s lab results came back and there were no drugs in his system.

  Witnesses heard a man and a woman arguing the night before the body was found. Was the victim stalking her? Is that why she threatened him? Rand pondered all of this.

  The bartender on duty at the River Basin bar a few weeks before the murder indicated that he saw them both there and they talked briefly. So it appeared she knew more than she was letting on. It was enough evidence to bring her in for questioning.

  Carlson asked Rand, “Do you want me to bring her in for questioning, or do you want to get a warrant for her arrest?”

  “No, I’ll get a search warrant for her room and her vehicle and a warrant for her arrest, after July fourth.”

  The door opened and Lavina Davis, the district attorney, barged in. Lavina was a brunette, five feet one inch tall, and a whirlwind on stilettos. She was an ace fighter in court and loved drama. “Rand, I heard you have a suspect for the murder of Marc Baker. Where is the suspect or when are you going to bring him in?” she asked as she stepped further into his office and sat down in the chair next to Carlson.

  “We have someone of interest.”

  “Who is he?” Lavina asked.

  Rand chose not to correct her on the gender of the suspect. “Lavina, when I have everything lined up to make my arrest, I will let you know. I’ll be by after the fourth to give you the information needed for it.”

  “Rand, this is an important case. It’s unheard of that we have a murder in our own backyard. People want justice, and they want an arrest now.”

  “Who are the people wanting this? I haven’t heard anyone protesting or anything. And besides, the man has no known relatives and apparently doesn’t really know anyone in the area.”

  “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve to have his killer brought to trial.”

  “I’m well aware of that, but right now things are just circumstantial and I’m still waiting on stuff from the CSI.”

  “You need to work fast, Rand. We need to get this done as soon as possible,” Lavina said.

  Rand suspected she wanted a murder trial to add to her resume for something higher, like the State Attorney’s job or something rather than caring about justice for the victim. “I’m working it as fast as I can.”

  Lavina got up, walked to the door and then turned around. “You know, Erik is due to get out on parole for good behavior in a couple of months.”

  “I didn’t know that. I’m glad he’s behaving.” Rand smiled thinly.

  “Yes, I thought you’d like to know, since you put him there.”

  “I’m not going there again, Lavina. I told you what happened and you chose to believe Erik, end of discussion,” Rand snapped as he got up and grabbed his coat to leave for the day.

  Lavina walked out, and if Rand didn’t know her better, he’d say she stomped her feet in her stilettos as she left.

  “Well, that was intense,” Carlson remarked.

  “Yes, she’s pretty dramatic.”

  “Who’s Erik?” Carlson asked.

  “Her son.”

  “I feel sorry for the kid,” Carlson quipped.

  * * * *

  Caroline met up with her team and they headed out to the River Basin bar. They sat at a table at the south end of the bar. This was the town hole-in-the-wall bar located at the end of Main Street. They had a band on weekends and holidays and served great hamburgers.

  They all ordered their drinks and some food. While sitting there talking, Caroline looke
d up and saw Rand come in with one of his deputies. They were both wearing civilian clothes so she assumed they were off duty. Rand and his deputy sat at the bar at the north end of the building with their backs to Caroline. She was tempted to walk over to him and say hello, but at the moment she got her nerve and stood up, a strikingly beautiful brunette walked up to Rand and planted a big kiss on his lips.

  Caroline sank back down in her chair as she watched the scene with interest. The woman had a drink in one hand, while her other hand was wrapped around Rand’s arm as if they were a couple. As Caroline sat there watching them, she drank her vodka and Sprite a little too fast and started to feel the effect of the alcohol.

  The band started playing and Caroline watched with a sinking and jealous heart as the brunette wrestled with Rand to get him out to the dance floor. They danced a couple of dances and Caroline downed several more drinks.

  Do I have the courage to walk up and ask for a dance? The more she thought about it, the more she drank, and the more she decided to do it. She told Jody, “I’m going to go over and ask the sheriff for a dance.”

  “Oh, Caroline, do you really think you ought to do that?” Jody asked.

  “Why not?”

  “Well, it appears that he’s occupied with someone else.”

  “Exactly. I want him to remember that the other night, he kissed me.” Caroline slurred her speech.

  Jody looked at the others and gave a hand signal that Caroline was drunk.

  “Hey, Caroline, maybe we ought to get back to our rooms. How about I drive us back?” John asked.

  “Yeah, we can, but after I get one dance in with Rand.” She got up, walked over to Rand, and stated a little too loudly, “Hello, Rand.”

  The woman turned and looked at Caroline from head to toe. Rand looked at her as well and said with a slight smile, “Hello, Caroline.”

  “Was wondering if I could have this next dance?” Caroline asked, trying not to slur her words.

  “Of course.” Rand disengaged himself from the woman and walked onto the floor with Caroline.

  As they danced, Rand asked Caroline, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” she asked somewhat defensively.

  After the first dance, Rand held on to her as the music swung into a slow moving beat. Caroline laid her head on Rand’s chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. Rand rested his chin on top of her head. Even in her drunken state, she could still feel the intensity and heat of their bodies. The tingling sensations raced through her body as Rand slowly moved his hands up and down her back.

  When the music stopped, Rand walked Caroline over to her table. They both sat down and she took a sip of her drink

  * * * *

  “Caroline, how many of those have you had tonight?” Rand asked curiously.

  “A few.” She sat back in her chair, looking at Rand from under her eyelashes.

  John leaned over and whispered into Rand’s ear. “Let her go, we’ve got her covered. She’s just letting off some steam. I’ll be driving us back to our rooms soon.”

  “How much has she had to drink?” Rand asked John.

  “That will be her fifth or sixth one.”

  “What?” Rand snapped, alarmed.

  “Like I said, we’ve got her covered. I have not had a drink tonight and I’ll be taking everyone back to the motel.”

  “Why don’t you take her car and the rest of you go back to your rooms when you’re ready? I’ll take Caroline back now.” Turning to Caroline, Rand said, “Come on, honey, give your car keys to John and let’s go.”

  Caroline looked at Jody with a smile. She leaned toward Jody and whispered loudly, “Looks like I won.”

  Jody smiled at Caroline and gave her a wink.

  Caroline and Rand stood up, and Caroline gave John her keys.

  “I’m going to let my deputy know I’m leaving.”

  “Okay,” Caroline slurred her speech slightly.

  Rand walked up to Carlson. “I’m taking Caroline back to her motel room. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Carlson looked at Caroline and then back at Rand, but didn’t say anything.

  “Are you coming back, Rand?” Lavina asked seductively, looking Caroline over again, from head to toe.

  “No,” Rand answered abruptly. He threw a five dollar bill on the counter and turned around to escort Caroline out the door. He walked with her over to the passenger side of his truck and helped her in. He got in and started up the vehicle.

  “Caroline, is there something wrong? Something you’d like to talk about or get off your chest?”


  “Are you sure?” he asked.


  They rode the rest of the way to her motel room in silence.

  Chapter 11

  When they arrived at the motel, Rand came over to the passenger side to help Caroline get out of the truck so she wouldn’t fall. He asked, “Where’s your key?”

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out her key and gave it to him. He unlocked the door and they both entered the room.

  “Where are your nightclothes?” he asked.

  “Why?” Caroline asked, confused.

  “I’ll help you get into them and put you to bed. You’re going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow morning. Why did you drink so much this evening?” he asked as she pulled a nightgown from the dresser drawer.

  Caroline blurted out, “I didn’t like seeing that woman at your side.”

  “What wo... Oh, you mean Lavina.” Rand shook his head slightly. He helped Caroline unbutton her top and slid it off. “You were jealous?” he asked, surprised.

  Caroline was fumbling with the button on her jeans when Rand put his hands there and unbuttoned them for her. Then he unzipped the jeans. When her jeans dropped, she stepped out of them and up close to Rand.

  Rand bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. “Come on, honey, let’s get you to bed.”

  He reached back and unhooked her bra and slid it off her shoulders. He was instantly aroused when he saw her breasts and hurriedly got her gown over her head. It draped over her shoulders and he released it, letting it drop down to her thighs. Rand then reached over and pulled the covers down.

  “You’re going to get in with me?” Caroline asked sweetly.

  “No, honey, I’m going to tuck you in, turn out the lights, and go home. Another time and I’ll get in with you,” Rand spoke softly and huskily.

  Before he walked out the door, he turned and looked back at Caroline. Fast asleep, she looked beautiful with her hair splayed all over the pillow, almost like a princess. He turned the light out and walked out.

  * * * *

  It was time for him to do his next job of planting incriminating evidence against Caroline. He had Seprino’s cellphone. He kept it so that the battery would go dead before he planted it in Caroline’s car. He didn’t want it to ring and have her find it. He noticed that the sheriff brought her home but where was her SUV? He watched as the sheriff went into her room with her, then came back out later and got in his truck and drove off.

  Since he didn’t know where she had left her car, he decided to go back to his apartment and plant it in her car the next night. He felt sure the sheriff was on the verge of making an arrest and would be searching her room and her SUV.

  As he started up the rental car, Caroline’s SUV pulled into the parking lot with all her students in it. One of the guys parked it in front of her room and they all piled out and walked to their rooms, talking and giggling. When he saw the lights go out in their rooms, he stealthily walked over to her car and opened the door. Good, they hadn’t locked it, so he wouldn’t have to pick the lock. He placed the dead cellphone under the driver’s seat, then went back to his rental SUV and quietly left.

  * * * *

  Caroline got up July fourth at seven and took a shower and went to breakfast. She was nursing a bad headache and popped a couple of aspirins into her mouth. She started to recall what
had transpired the night before. She felt embarrassed that she went up to Rand like she did and asked for a dance. Then she remembered that he’d brought her back to the motel and helped her get undressed and into bed. She remembered asking if he was going to get in bed with her and his response was No, honey, I’m going to tuck you in, turn out the lights, and go home. Another time and I’ll get in with you.

  She knew the reason she drank so much was because she’d seen Rand with that woman. He called her Lavina. She seemed so self-confident and sure of herself that Caroline was jealous of her.

  Caroline’s confidence came from doing her work. She totally submerged herself in her work and really, she didn’t have room in her life for a relationship with Rand, even though she secretly desired it. She needed to put the brakes on this relationship. But every time they were together she was in a battle with herself and it looked like her desires were starting to win.

  Chapter 12

  Caroline thought back to her years in high school and at the university. She’d started dating Rand in tenth grade. She always had a great time with him and he appeared to like her a lot. She also knew that she and Rand would be parting to go to college and they would go their separate ways. She didn’t understand why they needed to stop meeting and talking to each other.

  She thought about the day they’d had sex. He became a total stranger to her after that and she didn’t understand it. Was it a guy thing? Did he suddenly find her unattractive? Was it something she did? Or was it really all about when and how a guy scores with a girl? Hurt by the rejection, she shut herself off from all emotional involvement with men until she met her ex-husband Dan Priest.

  When they first met Dan was charming and loving, and he always brought her a bouquet of wild flowers. They fell in love during her fourth year at the University of New Mexico. Things were fine at the beginning of their marriage, but when Caroline didn’t do something just right or did something to make Dan mad, he started hitting her. The abuse escalated until one day she ran out of their apartment into the street calling out for help. A neighbor called the police, who in turn called an ambulance that took Caroline to the hospital. She had several broken bones in her face and numerous bruises on her arms and upper torso.